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Office Contact​​

Dr. Mark Eanes

Dr. Lance Haluka

Office: 229.247.2020

2310 N. Patterson St. Ste. B

Valdosta, GA 31602

Office Hours

Mon, Tue, & Thu: 8am - 5pm

Wed: 9am - 5pm

Fri: 8am - 12noon

Patient Care

â–º Download Patient Form

â–º Order Contact Refills

â–º Your Eye Health

The Eyeglass Store is a full-service optical dispensary located in Southern Eye Center, managed and operated by a full-time, Licensed Dispensing Optician with over 5 years of experience.

The Eyeglass Store offers one-hour service on prescription safety eyewear to all industrial employees requiring safety eyewear.

Eyewear Brands

Contact Lens Brands

Men's, Women's & Children's Frames  â€¢  Designer  â€¢  Sunglasses  â€¢  Accessories  â€¢  Industrial

Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00a-5:00p, Wed 9:00a-5:00p, most Fridays 8:00a-Noon

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